Many of the emails which are sent out via Fixflo include a link which will take you directly through to Fixflo so you can quickly and easily access jobs without having to log in. 

To protect data, these links are single-use-only and are valid for 24 hours. 

If you attempt to use a link twice, or if it has expired, you will see the following message:


You can simply click on 'Resend link' to get a new link sent out to your inbox - this is known as a magic link:

Once requested you will receive a new link which will once again be single-use and valid for 24 hours:

It can be useful to note that as long as you're logged into your Fixflo profile on the same device you're accessing email links, these links will stay valid and take you straight into your Fixflo account.

You can take a look at this article for instructions on how to create your Fixflo login.